Ko Wai

Ko Wai

Ko te kaupapa whānui o Ko Wai ko ngā mōteatea – ko te oriori, Popo; ko te waiata aroha, Ka Eke ki Wairaka; ko te waiata tangi ko Tirotiro Kau Au – me te haka taparahi, Rūaumoko.  

E aro ana ētahi kōwae ako hei tautoko i te whenu ā-waha o te wāhanga ako o Te Reo Māori.

Ko Wai

Ko Wai focuses on four widely known tribal “anthems” – the haka taparahi, Rūaumoko; the waiata aroha, Ka Eke ki Wairaka; the waiata tangi, Tirotiro Kau Au; and the oriori Popo! We gratefully acknowledge the whānau, hapū and iwi who allowed them to be shared.

Units of work have also been developed and they support the oral language strand of the Te Reo Māori learning area.