He pūrākau nō Mohua
E whakamārama ana i ētahi āhuatanga ahurei i te takoto o te whenua i taua rohe. Arā, ko te hanganga o ngā tomo puta noa i Pikikirunga (ko tōna ingoa e mōhio nuitia ana i ēnei rā, ko te Puke o Tākaka) me te kōhatu e kīia nei ko te kōkōwai kitea ai i ngā tāhuna o Te Tai Tapu.
Kei tēnei rauemi:
- tētahi pukapuka whai kupu, whai whakaahua
- ētahi ataata poto e toru.
Ka taea te tono i Ngārarahuarau i Down the Back of the Chair mā te hoatu i te nama take 69619.
Waea utukore: 0800 660 662
Īmēra: orders@thechair.minedu.govt.nz
A taniwha story from Mohua
Ngārarahuarau explains some of the unique geological features of the region. In particular, the origins of a network of tomo and caves throughout Pikikirunga (commonly known as Takaka Hill) and the kōkōwai stone found on the beaches in Te Tai Tapu (Golden Bay).
The resource comprises an illustrated picture book and three short videos.
Ngārarahuarau can be ordered from Down the Back of the Chair quoting item number 69619.
Free phone: 0800 660 662
Email: orders@thechair.minedu.govt.nz