
He kōrero taniwha nō Mohua

Ko Huriawa te taniwha o Ngā Puna o Te Waikoropupū. Ko ia tētahi kaitiaki o ngā wai e toro ana ki runga, ki raro hoki i te whenua, puta noa i te horanuku areare o te rohe o Mohua. E tīmata mai ana te kōrero i te taenga mai o Rākaihautū i runga i tōna waka Uruao. Ka whakamau ia i te ihu hōanga o tōna waka ki Te Tai Tapu e hurihia ai hei whatunga o ngā ana me ngā arawai, kātahi ka karanga ki a Huriawa kia haere mai i Parapara Maunga. Mai i taua wā tae noa mai ki tēnei e whakamahi ana a Huriawa i tōna ngoi motuhake kia noho mā tonu ngā arawai. E mōhio ana ia kei te whakawhirinaki ngā mea ora katoa ki te horomatanga o te wai.

Kua tuhia te pukapuka nei e Nuki Tākao, ā, ka taki i te kōrero o Huriawa, te taniwha o Te Waikoropupū. Kua tuhia te kōrero mō Huriawa e Nuki hei raupapa whiti haikuE kīnakitia ana ngā kupu e ngā pikitia a Robin Slow, ā, kī tonu ēnei i ngā tohu me te reo ataata.

Ka taea te tono i Huriawa i Down the Back of the Chair mā te hoatu i te nama take 69972.

Waea utukore: 0800 660 662


A taniwha story from Mohua

Huriawa is the taniwha of the Waikoropupū Springs. She is guardian of the waterways that stretch above and below ground, through the cavernous landscape of the Mohua region. The story begins with the arrival of Rākaihautū aboard his waka Uruao. He places the sandstone prow of his waka at Te Tai Tapu where it transforms into a network of caves and waterways, and then hails Huriawa from Parapara Maunga. From that time to this Huriawa has used her special powers to keep the waterways clean. 

Huriawa’s story is written by Nuki Tākao as a sequence of haiku poems. Robin Slow’s illustrations complement the text and are rich in symbolism and visual language.

Huriawa can be ordered from Down the Back of the Chair quoting item number 69972.

Free phone: 0800 660 662
