He Tipua, he Taniwha

He Tipua, he Taniwha has whales as its overarching topic, and is thematic in its teaching approach. The resource comprises seven books for students, a teachers’ resource book, and a set of picture cards. The books for students include four illustrated books, two...

Kai Ora 2

Kai Ora 2 is the second in the Kai Ora series and is a collection of twelve books for students, and a teachers’ resource book. It is cross-curricula, thematic in design, and is based around four kai Māori – Pātiki, Pāua, Pikopiko and Hue. These four kai have...

Ngā Uri a Kāmaka

Tukua iho iPad App: Ngā Uri a Kāmaka PDF: Ngā Uri a Kāmaka (5.4 MiB) Ngā Uri a Kāmaka He kōrero mō te takenga mai o te kōura. E mau mai ana ki roto ngā tātai whakapapa e hono ana i a Hinemurutoka rāua ko Tāwhaki, ko tā rāua tama, a Kāmaka, te tupuna taketake o te...

Kai Ora 3

  Kai Ora 3 Ko Kai Ora 3 he kohinga whakamīharo o ngā pukapuka whakaahua me ngā hautaka mā ngā tauira, ngā pānui whakaahua me ngā rauemi tautoko a te pouako. E ahu mai ana tēnei kohinga i te taha o ngā kai Māori e whā – ko te Kānga, te Kōura, te Īnanga me te...