He kōrero mō Kupe nō Te Tauihu o te Waka o Māui
E kōrero ana a Te Taero a Kereopa mō ngā mahi i whai i muri i tā Kupe whakamate i Te Wheke a Muturangi, i muri i tētahi whai nui rawa, whakawhiti mai i Te Moananui a Kiwa, huri noa i te takutai o Aotearoa. I tere a Kupe me ōna kaumoana ki roto i ngā koko me ngā korou i Te Tauihu o te Waka, ka whakapau wā ki te tapi i te waka me te rapu ō mō te hokinga atu ki Hawaiki. Heoi, i hiahia te tokorua nei o ōna kaumoana, a Pani rāua ko Kereopa, ki te noho i Aotearoa, ā, ka kakai ki te whana. I whakamaharatia ā rāua mahi nanakia ki ngā tohuwhenua puta noa i te rohe. Kotahi o ēnei ko Te Taero a Kereopa – te toka e tū ana i waho o te takutai o Whakatū.
Kua kōrerotia anō tēnei kōrero ngangahau e Keri rāua ko Nuki Tākao. E tino arotau ana te tātaitanga o ngā pikitia hihiri nā Zak Waipara ki te rerenga tere o te kōrero, me te aha ka pāhekoheko mārika ki ngā kupu ki te whakawana i te kōrero ki te kaipānui.
Ka taea e ngā kura te tono i Te Taero a Kereopa i Down the Back of the Chair mā te hoatu i te nama take 69973.
Waea koreutu: 0800 660 662
Īmēra: orders@thechair.minedu.govt.nz
A Kupe story from Te Tauihu o te Waka o Māui
Te Taero o Kereopa recounts events that followed Kupe’s slaying of Te Wheke a Muturangi, after a great chase across Te Moananui a Kiwa and around the coastline of Aotearoa. Kupe and his crew sailed into the bays and channels at the top of the South Island, taking time to repair and provision their waka for the return to Hawaiki. However, two of his crew, Pani and Kereopa, wanted to remain in Aotearoa and they plotted mutiny. Their escapades are memorialised in landmarks throughout the region, one being Te Taero o Kereopa – the boulder bank – off the coast of Whakatū.
This pacey Kupe story has been retold by Keri and Nuki Tākao. Zak Waipara’s dynamic illustrative style suits this fast-paced story, combining brilliantly with the text to bring it alive for the reader.
Te Taero o Kereopa can be ordered from Down the Back of the Chair quoting item number 69973.
Free phone: 0800 660 662
Email: orders@thechair.minedu.govt.nz