Ngā Taniwha o Te Arawa

Nā Wiremu Maihi Te Rangikāheke (Wi Maihi), tupuna nō Ngāti Rangiwewehi, tēnei rerenga kōrero. Ko te roanga o āna tuhinga e pupuri ana ki Te Whare Pukapuka o Ākarana ki roto i ngā kohinga pepa a George Grey. Neke atu i te waru rau whārangi kua tuhia e ia.

Nō te tau 1851, i tā tuatahi mai tāna tuhinga, ‘He Kōrero Patunga Taniwha’. Nō te tau 1854 i whakaurungia ki roto i tā Grey pukapuka, ‘Ngā Mahinga a ngā Tūpuna’. I whakapākehātia, i tāngia anō i te tau 1855, ā, ko ‘Polynesian Mythology’ te ingoa o taua pukapuka.

I ahu mai tēnei pukapuka hou i te tuhinga rā, kia pānuitia anō e ngā whakatupuranga o nāianei. Nā reira, i tāngia tēnei pukapuka i roto i te aroha me te ngākau whakaute ki a Wi Maihi, ki ōna uri whakaheke, ki tōna rahinga o Ngāti Rangiwewehi nui tonu.

E toru ngā kōrero taniwha nō Te Arawa kei roto i te pukapuka. 

  • Ko Hotupuku i Kapenga
  • Ko Pekehaua i te Awahou
  • Ko Kataore i Tikitapu.

He mea tiki ake e Arapine Walker ngā tuhinga a Wi Maihi Te Rangikāheke i ngā pūwhenua o Ngā Pātaka Kōrero o Tāmaki Makaurau hei pānuitanga mā te hunga pānui o ēnei rā. Nō tērā atu rautau te reo o aua kōrero, ā, e pai ana mō ngā ākonga whatutoto o te reo Māori. E noho ana ngā pikitia nā Reweti Arapere hei kīnaki ki ngā kupu, ā, ka tautohu ngā mahere whenua i ngā tauwāhi i roto i ngā kōrero.

Ka taea te tono i Ngā Taniwha o Te Arawa i Down the Back of the Chair mā te hoatu i te nama take 69974.

Waea utukore: 0800 660 662


Ngā Taniwha o Te Arawa

These stories are from the writings of Ngāti Rangiwewehi tupuna Wiremu Maihi Te Rangikāheke (Wi Maihi). His work is held in Auckland Library as part of George Grey’s papers. They comprise over 80 pages of text.

In 1851, his work He Kōrero Patunga Taniwha was published. In 1854, they appeared in Grey’s book, Ngā Mahinga a ngā Tūpuna. They were translated and published again in the book Polynesian Mythology, 1855.

Arapine Walker has brought the writing of Wi Maihi Te Rangikāheke from the vaults of the Auckland Library to share with today’s readers. The language is of yesteryear and will suit students of te reo Māori who are at an advanced level. The illustrations by Reweti Arapere add to the storytelling and maps identify the locations in the stories.

The book comprises three taniwha stories:

  • Ko Hotupuku i Kapenga
  • Ko Pekehaua i te Awahou
  • Ko Kataore i Tikitapu.

Copies of the book are available from Down the Back of the Chair quoting item number 69974.

Free phone: 0800 660 662
